Garden Center Hours: Mon-Sat 9am - 5:30pm • Sun 10am - 5:30pm

It’s Arbor Day – Find the Right Trees and Start Planting!

Magnolia Blossom

The saying goes “the best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago, the second-best time is now.” 

Well we say it is always time to plant a tree! You only need to decide what trees best fit your landscape, plan to keep them watered, and keep the weed eater far from their trunks. 

Do you want the stately look of a large shade tree or would you like to plant one smaller, like our 5 gallon Live Oaks, and watch it grow? How bout a Magnolia with their giant fragrant flowers or the natural look of a Shoal Creek Vitex with their twisted trunks & spires of purple blooms.

Possumhaw, Vitex blooms

Trees add beauty and value to your home; mature trees can increase property value as much as 20%, and their shade reduces energy usage. Some trees like the Possumhaw and Yaupon Holly provide beauty & food for birds and wildlife (read more about them in this week’s blog from Sally Gill!).

So, whatever the season, celebrate the benefit of trees. Plant & care for them so you and future generations will enjoy them!

Happy Tree Planting!


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