Garden Center Hours: Mon-Sat 9am - 5:30pm • Sun 10am - 5:30pm

A Few of My Favorite Things


You may recall Julie Andrew’s favorite things in The Sound of Music: “Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, etc…”  Her delightfully orchestrated breath of happiness made us all smile.  Just envision those happy little children joyfully following her lead!  

10153642_10152077819898601_6124294181759605546_nAnd isn’t that how life really is?  We all have our favorite things that make life worth living.  With that said, I’d love to share my favorite garden ingredients, ones that help dress up my kitchen window every single April and transform my backyard into a joy-filled sanctuary, one where I can escape and admire how truly special spring really is in Corpus Christi.

statueFirst off, I must admit that pink is my favorite color, and my 3 Peggy Martin Climbing Roses have been nudging me to get busy for about a week now.  Their tiny teases eventually will erupt into massive colorful explosions of pink flowers in about a month right alongside my Double Pink Knockout Roses and Regina Iris.   Lately they’ve beckoned me to venture into the garden and start my spring prep before it is too late! So this past weekend, the Peggy Martins won, and we are all anticipating a sea of rose carpet petunias along with new perennials that were quickly treated with “Go Away Rabbit, Dog & Cat Repellent” to keep the critters out, including my two chessies.  

The perennials are the spice that change up my garden year after year. Mystic Spires Salvia, Mexican Bush Sage, Mexican Mint Marigold, Butterfly Weed, and Yellow Walking Iris won the beauty contest this year and will share the stage with other established favorites like Blue Cuban Pea Vine, Fairy Duster, American Beautyberry, Japanese Loquat, and Mexican Olive.  

one puppyAnother thing I love the most year after year are my garden fragrances. Almond Verbena takes the cake, but is closely followed by Texas Mountain Laurel, Shoal Creek Vitex, Night Blooming Jasmine, Abraham Darby Roses and Meyer Lemon.  These clever aromas intertwine, creating heaven on earth, and what I love more than anything else is taking cuttings and bring them inside so I can relish the outdoors indoors.

10308154_10152077818943601_7399426436726202538_nFinally, my botanical symphony would not be as successful without using my favorite organic products.  I recently traded out my Floratam Sod for Celebration Bermuda, which is able to endure my heavy, active dogs, and Medina Growing Green fertilizer has brightened it up despite the cooler weather of winter.  I love, love, love Rocket Fuel and Plant Tone for feeding my bloomers because they are organics that really work. In addition, I have an established colony of beneficial Nematodes that have become dear old friends.  Although I can’t see them, they keep the grubs and  fleas away.   

So there is your recipe for a botanical organic symphony that even the butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds will come dance within.  As my husband commented this past weekend, “Our garden changes every year!”  Spring only comes once a year, so get started on your own botanical melody and remember to try something new!


grace– Grace

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