Garden Center Hours: Mon-Sat 9am - 5:30pm • Sun 10am - 5:30pm

Big Changes at Gill’s!


[vc_row padding_top=”0px” padding_bottom=”0px”][vc_column fade_animation_offset=”45px” width=”1/1″][image src=”2617″ alt=”” href=”” title=”” info_content=”” lightbox_caption=”” id=”” class=”” style=”width:100%;”][text_output]We believe by blending our two nursery staffs and increasing the inventory selection at our Airline store, we can do an even better job for you in our garden center and in your home with our landscape design & installation division.

First things first:

  • We will do our best to take care of you and have what you need at our Airline store
  • Our Gill guarantee works at both stores; doesn’t matter which store you made your purchase at
  • Our Gill Gift Cards are honored at both stores
  • And…Yes, we’ll have a great selection of Christmas trees on Airline
Second and most importantly…

We are forever grateful for your support and kindness to our Alameda staff over the past twenty nine and one half years. We are thankful for the kind words shared by you all, whenever we run into you, all over town. Always smiling and telling a good story about something someone did to help you in our store. We are thankful for our staff, many who joined our team not knowing a whole lot about plants but wanting to learn and always, good people. We are thankful to Garnett Brooks and his Texas Star staff for providing us with a great location and support over the years as our landlord. We are thankful to Dollie and Tom Hunt for being such amazing neighbors, helping us to be as successful as we were. And we are thankful for our vendors who many times would drop smaller than minimum orders off at Alameda to help get you the plants you needed. We are thankful for all the donuts you brought our staff, including Billie Johnson who made a run to Gates for us every Saturday morning for years. We are thankful for the fudge and cookies during the holidays, the many cakes from Martha Lewis and Raymond & Curtis from Simply Elegant and the ice cream from Armi Pigott in the summer when our crew was burning up!

How did the Alameda store happen in the first place? Back in 1981, we purchased our land out on Airline Road. It was the size we believed we needed for a full service garden center and space for our landscape construction department. It took a loan from both our parents to put the deal together. It was the closest land to town we could afford, but still way out, with horses and roosters and goats all around us. In the fall of 1986, we got this wild and crazy idea to open a second location in the center of town, just for a spring season. DeAnna (aka “That Tall Lady”) was working at our Airline store. We felt she would be the perfect person to run our spring garden shop for a few months. Well, we all know how that turned out. Twenty nine and one half years later, DeAnna Baumgartner, along with Gary Cring, who came on just a year after it opened, have been there ever since, helping you, along with many other talented nursery staff over the years, with your gardens and doing the best they could to take care of you.

Finally, we are thankful for the privilege & honor to meet and work with you. We are thankful for our staff and customers over the years, some no longer with us due to the march of time. Thank you! Thank you for your successes and ours at our Alameda store and really, we can’t wait to see you out on Airline! We will take care of you as always!!

-Sally & James Gill

A look back through the years:

(Click for bigger!)[/text_output][vc_masonry_media_grid grid_id=”vc_gid:1470431707161-b38af2e6-13eb-1″ include=”2599,2600,2601,2602,2603,2604,2605,2606,2607,2608,2609,2610,2611,2618,2619,2620,2621,2622,1105″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Reader Interactions


  1. says

    Les décisions sur l’emploi sont prises en fonction du contexte et des perspectives.Le contexte est mauvais et les perspectives, pour l’économie libérale, ne sont pas particulièrement joyeuses.Si le pouvoir était resté à droite, les entreprises auraient peut-être jugé les perspectives moins défavorables et cela aurait pu avoir un impact sur la préservation de l’emploi.

  2. OliviaMcFadden says

    Thanks for the nice article. I agree with your preferred method of buying and reselling the property wholeheartedly so long as the capital is available as you noted and where local laws don’t require a minimum holding period. In certain hot markets there are laws that require a home buyer to hold on to the property of six months or longer before re-selling.

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