Garden Center Hours: Mon-Sat 9am - 5:30pm • Sun 10am - 5:30pm

Fall Lawn Care

Lawn’s green, no weeds, so why do anything?

Our lawns are so green after all this rain! You’re probably thinking “Well shoot, do I have to fertilize or worry about weeds?” The answer is “Yes you do!” Mother Nature gave us a boost with beneficial rains; with a few easy steps your lawn can be healthier. Read on and come see us. We’ll help you tend to your lawn and garden!

First, Fertilize Now

Anytime between now and mid November is prime time to fertilize your lawn, trees, shrubs, vines and groundcovers with Gill Lawn and Garden, Medina Growin Green, or Milorganite. Fertilizing while it is still warm is best because plants are still in their active growing season and taking up the nutrients provided. Once the weather starts cooling down plants begin going into dormancy and therefore are not as likely to take up nutrients. Remember to water in your fertilizer with at least a half inch of irrigation.

Second, Pre-emergent

The pre-emergent is a granule that prevents weed seeds from germinating. We carry two different ones depending on the weed problem you may have. Gallery can be used in the lawn to prevent most all broadleaf weeds and some grassy weeds, but cannot be used in the flowerbeds. Dimension is the other one that will control broadleaf weeds as well as crabgrass and sand burrs. Dimension can be used in the flower beds around established plants listed.

Third, kill existing weeds that are up and growing, with a post emergent.

Weed B Gon will kill broadleaf weeds without hurting your St. Augustine, including Floratam, as long as temperatures are mid 80’s or lower. But do not apply Weed B Gon around trees or shrubs. If Dollarweed or sand burrs are your main problem, use Image.

Fourth, remember to alter your sprinkler systems to only once a week until mid-November, then turn to the off position and only turn on as needed every 10 days to 2 weeks if we get no rain.

With the shorter days and the dormant season upon us the lawn does not require as much water. You also do not want to encourage fungus due to excessive moisture. Come see us with any questions you may have about your lawn!



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Reader Interactions


  1. Cheryl says

    My grass was green last
    Year this year it looks like hay
    I applied Scott’s weed & feed
    For southern lawns. Was this the right thing to do

    • james says

      Be cautious about Scotts Weed and Feed if you have any trees and shrubs, as the active ingredient is Atrazine, which is harmful to everything but grass. But I’m guessing maybe the “hay” look is from brown patch fungus over the fall and winter, which will be over with by spring, and if brown patch was the problem, the lawn will recover this spring.

  2. Andrew Johnson says

    When do you suggest is the best time to put down a pre-emergence. I have been having some trouble with weeds and want to make sure I get a head start on them this fall/winter.

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