Don’t give up on your mums before they’ve had a chance to live out their season! Sally explains how to trim your mums for new growth throughout the fall:
1. Use a sharp pair of head shears to remove the bulk of the blooms.
2. Spot trim with pruning clippers as needed.
3. Mix up some Hastagro (1 oz./1 gal. of water) and apply to soil.
4. Place in bright sun and enjoy!
Velma Lozano says
I was not aware of the proper way so I used a small pair of garden trimmers and started trimming a few stems until I completed the whole bush. what will happen now that I have done this incorrectly?
Jesse says
Hi Velma – you didn’t do anything wrong, you just did it the slow meticulous way! Should be totally fine.
Donna Jackson says
Very helpful video!
Cheryl says
Great info & thanks!
Sally Gill says
I loved learning that trick – also know the chrysanthemums like to be in at least 1/2 day of sun. Sally
Joyce says
Thanks, Sally!
Sally Gill says
Always good to know some tricks to the trade! Glad it helped! Sally
Nadine Erekson says
Sally Gill says
Happy the video helped! Sally