Garden Center Hours: Mon-Sat 9am - 5:30pm • Sun 10am - 5:30pm

Kathy in The Gardens of Kilkenny!


kathy3Kathy Hubner, one of our landscape designers, went on a tour of Irish gardens in July with the Association of Professional Landscape Designers. These photos were taken at the lake at Castletown Cox in the county of Kilkenny.

“In July I had the good fortune to escape the summer heat and tour Irish Gardens.

I knew the landscape would be lush and green.  It was.

I knew it might rain.  I was prepared.

I never dreamed the combination would make me feel like I’d stepped into a Monet painting!”

ireland-2 ireland3 ireland4

Reader Interactions


  1. Michael Dolan says


    Your photos are beautiful; being of Irish descent, these photos are even more beautiful. I trust you will share some of your photos during one of the fall garden talks, I would love to see more.

    Thank you,

    Michael Dolan

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