Garden Center Hours: Mon-Sat 9am - 5:30pm • Sun 10am - 5:30pm

Now’s the Time for Food, Flowers, and Fresh Air

squash for blog

As we continue to monitor public health guidance and talk to our friends at other garden centers across the country, we’re reminded how important gardening is right now, at a time when sunshine and fresh air are especially good for us all. 

While you’re spending more time at home, why not start a small food garden? Now is a great time to plant squash, cucumbers, peppers, okra, and lots of different herbs. A fun food project for kids (and adults too) is a 3 Sisters Garden. The 3 Sisters (corn, beans, and squash) all benefit each other when planted together, and you can get a sizeable harvest from just a 4’ x 4’ space. 

Or find a not-so-exciting spot in your yard and get creative! Now is THE time for Spring flowers like Zinnias, Begonias, and Pentas. Periwinkles will be here very soon. If you’re planting flowers in the ground, be sure to condition your soil with compost. If you’re planting in pots, a good potting mix goes a long way. Use a good organic fertilizer when planting for healthy plants and better blooms. 

Since we’re limiting our close contact with people for now, gardening can provide us with a connection to other living things – plants and wildlife. We planted a small garden here at Gill’s with Butterfly Weed, Gregg’s Mistflower, Jerusalem Sage, Shrimp Plant, and more to attract pollinators (bees, butterflies, hummingbirds) and it’s taken off in just a few weeks!


Reader Interactions


  1. James Gill says

    Yes! And herbs! And flowers! Don’t neglect to plant zinnias or Tithonia (Mexican Sunflower) as a cover crop when summer gets too hot for most vegetables. You can cut and give to friends, and the butterflies will love you…

  2. Julie Nye says

    I am finally ready to plant more than tomatoes in my garden! Do you still have a good selection of veggie plants!

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