Garden Center Hours: Mon-Sat 9am - 5:30pm • Sun 10am - 5:30pm

Protect Your Plants! Stop Spring Scale & Winter Fungus


New! The Corpus Christi Garden Book 2015!

We now have the Corpus Christi Garden Book for sale. There have been three books prior to this one; 1949, 1970 & 1992. This book is specific to our area and contains a wealth of updated information for gardening in South Texas and the Coastal Bend.


Fungus is Among Us

With the cold temperatures and rain we have had recently, the ground has been kept moist with no chance to dry out, which can lead to fungus. Apply F-stop or Bayer Fungus Granules to lawns prone to get fungus. Remember it is always easier to prevent than to cure.

Stop Scale Insects
It is also time to apply your All Season Dormant Oil Spray.Spray all plants that get Scale and other insects in the Spring. Ex. Flax Lily, Cast Iron, Irises, Pittosporum, Hollies and more. It also smothers dormant insect eggs of Spider Mites, Mealybugs and Whitefly. Spray all Citrus Trees now to control Citrus Blackfly and Leafminer. May be used up to the day of harvest.

Reader Interactions


  1. Angie Ramos says

    I have several round brown spots in my yard. I am not sure what it is or how I should treat it. Any suggestions?

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