Garden Center Hours: Mon-Sat 9am - 5:30pm • Sun 10am - 5:30pm

Update: Gabe’s Garden at Windsor Park Elementary School


Back in December 2022, the Gill’s crew planted a native pollinator garden at Windsor Park Elementary dedicated to Gabe Velasquez, longtime landscaper at Gill’s who passed away during the pandemic. We thought this would be a nice way to honor Gabe’s love of plants, provide some valuable nectar for pollinators, and add some beauty for teachers and students to enjoy. Seeing it in full bloom this Spring is such a treat! We had to share a few photos.

Gabe’s Garden growing in nicely – May 2023

James Gill designed Gabe’s Garden using mostly Texas native plants that can withstand big seasonal fluctuations. We planted this garden about 2 weeks before the Christmas freeze of 2022, and everything made it through the cold just fine. And this summer, now that they’re well-established, the plants won’t require much watering. Natives include Skeleton Leaf Goldeneye, Texas Lantana, Texas Frogfruit, Kidneywood, Gregg’s Mistflower, and Prairie Verbena. Non-native adapted plants include our tried and true Salvia Mystic Spires and Uptick Coreopsis.

Gabe’s Garden also features a small tile sign designed and handmade by our friend and ceramic artist, Merlein Wilder. Stop by and visit the garden when you’re in the neighborhood.

Reader Interactions


  1. Jo-Len Perkins says

    I love seeing it every day as I drop off and pick up my kiddos. The butterflies and bees have been visiting as well. Thank you so much for this beautiful garden. I had no idea about why it was done. It makes it all the more special.

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