There are almost never seedlings growing from acorns. If there were, you would be able to pull them up easily. What you see are sprouts from the roots of the existing tree; therefore, you do not want to spray a herbicide on them in an attempt to eliminate the sprouts for you will hurt the “mother” tree along with the sprouts.
Only a small percentage of oaks send up suckers from the roots. It is a genetic trait, like freckles, except I like freckles. But like freckles and sunshine, some trees have the ability to sucker, but do not unless stimulated to do so. Oaks having a slight tendency to sprout suckers will often do so when roots hit a barrier, such as trees confined to a parking lot planter, or between a sidewalk and driveway. Also, when roots are disturbed and damaged by rototilling, they are more likely to sprout suckers. But some trees never will make suckers. When choosing an oak in a garden center, if there are sprouts coming up at the inside edges of the container, I would avoid that tree.
You may choose to mow them along with the grass, if grass still exists. Or if the grass has thinned too much, you might plant Asiatic Jasmine groundcover, and use hedge trimmers to trim the jasmine and oak sprouts to a uniform height. You can cover the area of sprouts with a heavy gauge woven geotextile, and then either mulch or spread large gravel or decomposed granite over the top of the geotextile. My favorite solution, when appropriate, is to cover the ground with geotextile and then build a wood deck.
Or if you prefer a thick green lawn, you may remove the oak tree, and all of the tree roots with a backhoe. If you just cut down the tree, grind down the stump and all the large roots you can see, there will still be thousands of oak sprouts emerging from the remaining roots in your new lawn or bed area for a few years afterwards. The area will need to be continually sprayed with an herbicide.
Haywood Jablome says
The sprouts were so bad around my oak they towered over the jasmine, broke through mortar and dislodged stones in the planter ring wall. It required regular trimming akin to a hedge. I tried burning and excavating to no avail. It sprouts through thick landscape fabric and grows in mounds. After the hard winter, I cut them to the ground, burned the edges and dug out the mounds with a mattock. Then I covered the area in cheap plywood, stapled landscape fabric over that and covered it under a thick mulch bed. It still bursts out of the seams around the planter and at the trunk.
I have another oak 50 feet away similarly planted with a nice bed of jasmine and no sprouts. This tree must be a genetic anomaly.
marilyn ann guidry says
10 years ago a landscaper applied geotextile material and a large amount of rocks underneath my large 26 year old oak tree. Thousands of little oak trees appeared around this area and a very large area around the tree and killed my grass. I was told the rocks were killing my tree for lack of air and water. I paid a guy to take the material and rocks out. There is a large pill of death roots or old grown oak seedling present now. Should they all be cut out ? Where do I go from here. The landscaper told me he could use a dig deep and remove the seedlings and put down some more St Augustine grass after trimming the dead limbs off this tree and the other for more light. I live in Austin and since the cold spell we had in Jan they have gotten very bad. I keep them trimmed but the area looks black and very unattractive. Thanks for your assistance.
james says
This sounds like a pretty complex situation that I can’t understand or make recommendations on remotely. I would search for good reviews on a certified arborist and get them to take a look.
Sarah says
So I did a big mistake and cut my sprouts down then applied roundup to the area to make sure they don’t resprout again. I did this before my research. I have Spanish Oaks. What’s the recourse and how do I save my tree now?!
James Gill says
Nothing will “neutralize” the Glyphosate (Roundup) other than time and bacterial action, but glyphosate does not enter through roots, only through green leaves and green shoots. So likely the damage will be minimal. You could apply horticultural molasses to encourage soil microbial activity
james says
If you can have water available, you might try a weed torch. I would follow that up with A thorough watering to be sure you don’t have any smoldering in your leaf litter.
Kat says
Where I live in the NorCal Sierra foothills, the sprouts under the oak tree are NOT from the big oaks tree roots, they are grown from the acorns. I have pulled over 300 of them this year, most with the acorn still attached, some broke off. There are probably another 600+, I really need a spray to kill them. Any ideas? I have already used Milestone, so far, no luck, the little sprouts are still growing taller every day it seems.
Rose says
Kat, You might try Eraser with dosage of 4 tablespoons to 1 gallon of water It has done wonders to get rid of Oak Volunteers in my yard. There is no residual affect to the soil and after about 48 hours it has no effect on pets. Do not use Eraser Max as it will leave a residual in the soil, possibly harm animals, and you cannot plant anything for a year or so afterwards, do not confuse the two. Keep in mind it worked on my Oak Tree Volunteer which are from the tree and have no acorn attached, but it is still worth a try? See your local distributor for your area and there are many now. They will be able to recommend the correct dosage as a double check, and they can tell you the correct dosage to spray in your area with any adjacent plants around that area. However you have to directly spray right on the plant to kill it. We have had very good luck using this product, however only time will tell how long the effects will last? Thanks.
James Gill says
I would not recommend Eraser, as the active ingredient is glyphosate, the same as Roundup. It may kill the sprouts, but some of that glyphosate can be taken into the large tree. If the amount of sprouts in relation to the massive size of the tree is pretty small, well I guess this is how the writer has not had problems. But there is danger in applying glyphosate to root sprouts.
James Gill says
Sorry Kat, I just saw that you are talking about oak SEEDLINGS, not root sprouts. You could use Eraser, or any other brand of glyphosate including Roundup. But I would be 99% sure they are not root sprouts before using glyphosate!
james says
I wouldn’t trust A lightweight consumer type product. And don’t trust that products sold in the mass market with a commercial designation is really up to the task. Greatly exaggerated. A medium to heavy gauge woven Geo textile is likely to come on a roll from 6 to 12 foot wide by 300 foot long. Also a spun bonded material of extra heavy gaugewould be on a much larger spool than a retail type
Charles D Faircloth says
Really great on the geotextile advice!! What weight should we use as I am seeing such a wide range.
Thank in advance.
Jordan says
What about Bodine’s Sucker Punch? Is it a pipe dream of getting ride of the suckers?
james says
I don’t think sucker punch is going to prevent your Oaktree from doing it’s thing
jobie says
FYI Jordan – I used Sucker Punch regularly to see what would happen. (It’s not cheap!!) It has to be hand-sprayed on each little sucker’s’ leaves (takes forever) or brushed on each sucker’s leaves. The sucker will turn brown, but a bunch more will grow in the same area. It is endless, and gets very, very expensive. It costs about $30 on Amazon for 16 oz and that does an area of about 4′ x 4′. I tried it over and over for a full summer and it looks just as bad or worse than ever. I have 6 oak trees in that spot, so plenty of suckers. I could easily spend $300 per application to cover the entire area, yet more would come. Not worth it!
Linda Delgado says
Will do James! I’ll post before and after pics if it’ll let me. There are are so many leaves, acorns, and tassels are all over the place every year, I figured rocks were the best alternative for me. Thanks again.
Linda says
I live in very hot dry South Texas. I have a beautiful oak tree in my front yard with about a thousand suckers in a compact space. I thought I could live with the “ground cover” but its really unsightly. So I took your advice and got it mowed down. The leaves trapped in there filled an entire large bin reserved for organics. Unbelievable. Now I’m busy manually cutting down all the spikes. My plan is to use heavy gauge geotextile as you suggested, and then lay landscape rocks. That should be easier to keep clean than the jasmine. Hope it works. Thank you so much for the advice!
James Gill says
Linda, please update us in annually with how this is working out for you. And during leaf drop, keep up the blower or vacuum to remove fallen leaves and then tassels to prevent them composting between your landscape rock.