Garden Center Hours: Mon-Sat 9am - 5:30pm • Sun 10am - 5:30pm

10 Ways to Know You’re a Gardener!



Reader Interactions


  1. Bb says

    You forgot to list FIRE ANTS . I live by Hans Suter park and the ants are humongous and destructive. I don’t want to use chemicals in my garden, but what can I do? They always win, because I abandon my garden

    Can you add them to your list for discussion some day?

  2. james says

    Try our ant bait Come and Get It which contains Spinosad, a very useful and relatively safe organic derived from a bacteria on sugar cane. Read up on it. It will eliminate fire ant mounds in your yard and mounds close enough to forage in your yard. During hot weather, apply in the evening, as sunlight will degrade Spinosad, and ants forage more after dark during the hottest days.

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