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Meyer Lemons For Friends & Neighbors!


(Citrus × meyeri, the Meyer lemon, is a citrus fruit native to China thought to be a cross between a true lemon and either a mandarin or common orange, from Wikipedia)

What do you do when Sally Gill gives you lemons from her Meyer lemon tree? You make Ina Garten’s yogurt lemon cake, of course! And, since Meyer lemons are so big and juicy you’ll have plenty to make fresh lemonade, as well as squeeze and freeze for future use.

Here is a neat tip Sally gave me. You freeze the juice in ice cube trays, then store the cubes in freezer bags or containers ready for the next  cake or concoction of your choice.

I’m also experimenting by zesting the lemons and freezing the lemon zest in bags, ready to measure and add to anything needing a hint of citrus flavor.

If you’ve been wanting to plant a citrus tree you won’t go wrong choosing Improved Meyer lemon. Plant it in the ground or in a large clay pot (like the Italians do) in a sunny spot in your yard. Before you know it you’ll be sharing fruit with your neighbors and friends.


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