Spring is around the corner and Gill garden talks are back!! We are so excited about this February lineup! As always, the talks are free and open to everyone of all ages and gardening skill levels. We’ll hold the talks outside if the weather’s nice, or indoors if not. Mark your calendars for Saturday mornings at 10am all February. Here’s a preview!
February 3rd – Tomato Time with DeAnna Baumgartner
Early February is prime tomato planting time for us. We’ll be bringing in all kinds of prize-winning and heirloom tomato plants and everything you need to get an awesome spring harvest. Join Gill’s manager and tomato expert, DeAnna to learn about different varieties and how to grow the tastiest tomatoes.
February 10th – Low-Water Landscape Design with Harry Villarreal
If you know Harry, Landscape Designer here at Gill’s, you know he loves pokey plants! Yuccas, different Agaves, Mangave, and cacti can all serve as features and focal points in the landscape AND help you conserve water. Or maybe you’re interested in incorporating Texas native plants and reducing lawn spaces. Harry will cover all this and more – conserve water and look great doing it!
February 17th – Spring Kickoff with James Gill
We’re so happy to have Gill’s founder and Master Naturalist, James Gill back for his annual Spring Kickoff talk! He’ll cover proper pruning, fertilizing, planting, design, and lots more to help you have the most successful spring gardening season. This is an awesome opportunity to bring your questions and share ideas with James. If you haven’t heard him speak before, you’re guaranteed to be entertained and leave with some new plant knowledge.
February 24th – Perennial Color: Tricks of the Trade with grower Zach Halfin, Green Lake Nursery
We have a close working relationship with all of the growers we purchase plants from. Green Lake Nursery in San Marcos has quickly become one of our go-to growers of gorgeous perennial color like salvias, native Turk’s Cap, Lantana, ornamental grasses and many more. Their plants are consistently stunning thanks to grower, Zach Halfin. Zach will share tricks of the trade from an expert grower’s perspective on how to grow showroom-quality plants in your landscape. Not to be missed!
We can’t wait to see everyone! Stay tuned here and follow us on Facebook and Instagram where we’ll continue to post updates about talks and events. We have lots more to come throughout the year!

Virginie says
Wonderful program! Thank you! We are blessed to have you.