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Any Minute Now – Be Ready for Fall Hummingbird Migration

ruby throated hummingbird

We’re starting to see Ruby-throated hummingbirds make their way through for the Fall migration! These tiny birds are BIG eaters. They stop here in the Coastal Bend to fuel up before their non-stop flight across the Gulf of Mexico. Here’s how to host them in your backyard. 

Right now is a great time to plant all kinds of blooming plants that hummingbirds love. Hummingbirds find plants using their excellent vision and are attracted to bright colored blooms, which indicate a high-sugar food source. Some of our favs for South Texas are Flame Acanthus (aka hummingbird bush), Salvias (like native Salvia greggii and Salvia leucantha), Cape Honeysuckle, native Turk’s Cap, Firecracker plant, Coral bean – the list goes on! Plant a few of these and hummingbirds will find them. 

The right plants plus a few feeders will attract and feed lots more hummingbirds. We’re excited to try Hummingbird Momma organic nectar. It’s designed to approximate the consistency and nutrients found in flowers without any red dye or preservatives. If you make your own nectar, all you need is 1 part sugar to 4 parts water. 

If you want to learn more about hummingbirds, visit the Rockport Fulton Hummerbird Celebration this weekend, September 16-19!  The weekend includes a tour of “hummer homes” aka local homes and businesses that plant and maintain their yards year round to attract hummingbirds.

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