Last week, local Skidmore farmer Allen Hudson brought in a batch of his very special onion sets. Those who have been around awhile haven’t seen a true multiplying onion here at Gill’s in years! It’s a tasty onion that you can plant year round, with a cool story that we wanted to share.
Allen named these heirloom onions ‘Grandpa Brown’s Multiplying Onions’ after his grandpa. As a kid, they would buy these onion sets at Zimmer’s Nursery in Beeville, plant them together, and watch them multiply.

After going off to college and returning to the area, Allen wondered if he could still find these onions to try and grow them commercially. He ended up tracking them down to a farmer in Toledo, TX and was able to get just 14 onions. He planted all 14, but the cows tore up 7, so he was really only able to start with 7 onions. Now he’s got that number up to about 50,000 at his farm! Rescued from the brink of extinction!
We’re so happy to have some available for you here at Gill’s! Most onion sets are not available until mid-November, but Grandpa Brown’s are ready to plant right now. Allen says plant them “up to the hips”, meaning leave some of the white bulb showing above the soil. They can be planted in clay or sandy soil, they’re heat tolerant, and cold hardy. Allen has tested lots of different fertilizers on the farm and found that the onions love organic Medina Growin’ Green – one of our favs.
They multiply by division, so you can plant a few and have a steady supply of green onions for years to come.

Michael Hatzinikolas says
Good evening.
Do you send to Greece;
Jesse says
Hi Michael – head over to for shipping.
Dr John lowery says
I would like to buy some of these onion
Jesse says
Dr. John – we have them available here in the store or you can visit to purchase online.
Beverly Cothren says
I am looking for old fashioned multiplier onions,, the kind where you plant one bulb and grows several in A clump, pull them up, can cut one off just above the white part, and replant, and they’ll start all over again. Do you have any of these and how much? I live in southern California. Thanks Bev
Jesse says
Hi Beverly – we only serve our local market and do not ship plants. But, try I believe they ship.
Marvin Zoerb says
I would like to buy some of your multiplying onions. for my home garden. Can you ship to Georgia and what is the price.
Karen says
How can I order the multiplying onions? Is it too late to purchase?
Jesse says
Hi Karen – we’ll have more in mid-Feb!
Karen says
Thanks for letting me know. I’ll bookmark your site and place an order then.
Donna E McKelvy says
I got some today, looking forward to this heirloom and making sure it goes on into the next generation. I grow a lot of onions that are mostly potato onions. So happy to get a supply at Gill’s. Thanks so much. Bob & Donna, Rockport, Tx
Jesse says
Glad to hear it, Bob & Donna! A lot of us here at Gill’s have planted them too. Mine are doing great 🙂
Allen Hudson says
I will have more delivered tomorrow by 10 am.
Ann says
They were almost gone, will you be getting more?
Gene says
I am in San Antonio. Can I reserve 5?
Jesse says
Hi Gene – sorry we can’t reserve any for you, but we should have plenty in stock through this Fall.
Ann says
I would luv some but in another county, can I reserve 3 ?
Jesse says
Hi Ann – sorry we can’t reserve any for you, but we should have plenty in stock through this Fall.