Join us Friday, November 20th at 4:30PM outside in the garden center as we thank our team members for their many years of service to Gill’s & our community!

DeAnna Baumgartner
Garden Center Manager
35 Years!

Gary Cring
Gardening Expert
31 Years & Retiring!

Debbie Pinkerton
25 Years!

Doug Johnson
Landscape Crew Leader
20 Years!

Stacy Valdez
Office Administrator
15 Years!

Wyatt Page
Garden Center Assistant Manager
5 Years!
All six of these people have one thing in common – they want the best for you, our customer. They want to teach you best gardening practices, they want to bring you the best plants, and they want to help you beautify your garden.
I’ll tell you a little secret. We buy plants from the same growers other garden centers buy their plants. What makes the difference is picking the right plants (for our region) and then caring for the plants once they arrive. That takes a lot of plant know how and a passion for service – that’s what makes our garden center better than most. In our landscape department we are constantly refining our techniques and teaching our crew members to build landscapes that are functional and beautiful. We look for smart, kind, passionate people to work on our team and then we encourage and nurture their growth as gardeners, landscapers, and educators. Congratulations to each of them, congratulations to Gill’s!

-Sally Gill
Kim Miller says
Great group of people working at Gill’s!
Doris Schuetze says
Congratulations to all of you! Gills team is awesome!
Denise says
Congratulations to all!
jean miller says
Thanks to everyone at Gills they are always so helpful congratulations to all of those fine men and women for their many of years of working and helping the customers and myself . Jean
roger alan hansen says
thank you for all you do day in and day out with our brutal weather. way to go experts.
we love you all.
roger hansen
Sarah Norris says
We’re so blessed to shop at Gill Nursery! It’s paradise!! Thank you to all who brighten my path each time I come!! See you again very soon!!
Ho Ho Ho!!!
Randy Hill says
A great group of people! Thanks for all the years.
Donna M. Rodriguez says
Congratulations to all of you!!!