Garden Center Hours: Mon-Sat 9am - 5:30pm • Sun 10am - 5:30pm

Creative Container Gardens


This past Saturday we had our Creative Container Gardens talk. I enjoy giving this talk because making potted plant combinations is a treat – so easy & fun.

Contrast and repeat for plant selection is key for creating combinations with good visual impact. Choosing the proper container, potting mix, careful planting and using pot feet puts it all together. Timely watering, regular fertilizing, watching our weather, site consideration and pest monitoring helps keep it all going.

Container gardens are versatile. Along with the huge number of plant choices and container styles, you can easily move them around if you need or want to. They can be grouped for greater effect and also raised at varying heights for even more options.

Making a beautiful container garden can also provide more return benefits. They give us the opportunity to experiment, practice patience, engage creativity, see connections, feed curiosity, practice pragmatics, learn – unlearn, slow down, relax, share, play, re-evaluate “perfect”, and even be a little silly – hence the glasses on cacti!

Collect rainwater and pronounce names any way you want.

“I cultivate my garden and my garden cultivates me.” – Robert Braught

Beautifully contains it all.


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