During current drought conditions, it is critical that you water your established, mature trees. Of course, we want to make sure we take care of plants and lawns too, but be sure your trees are getting enough water. Here’s how.
Trees, especially mature shade trees, provide huge benefits for our environment and they’re difficult and expensive to replace. How could you even put a price tag on a 30-year-old mature Oak tree?
With summer temps and a lack of depth moisture in the ground due to drought conditions, mature trees need a slow, deep watering every 2 to 4 weeks. If your trees are showing signs of stress, (looking dull, dropping leaves), water them deeply once a week to rehydrate. You can accomplish proper, deep watering by placing a sprinkler between the trunk of the tree and the drip line (edge of the tree canopy) and running it for 45 mins. Then, move the sprinkler 1/3 of the way around the tree and repeat until you’ve watered all the way around. Check your sprinkler placement to be sure you’re not watering the street, the sidewalk, etc. Here’s a simple top-view illustration.

It’s critical to water trees sufficiently and create depth moisture now in case the drought is prolonged. The more stressed trees get, the more difficult it is to bring them back to good health.

Hope says
We have mature mesquite with a trunk that is beginning to separate into two directions. Any suggestions?
DeAnna says
I would contact an experienced tree service to see if some select pruning can be done to balance the weight. Many times a bolt and cable system needs to be installed to prevent further separation. We recommend Tree Amigos. John is also an arborist so he should be able to help.
DeAnna says
Keep fresh water out, they will find it and they definitely need it. Hummingbird migration is September and they will need food also. Oranges cut in half on fence spikes will also feed nature
Susan says
Thanks for the confirmation. Some of the ground cracks go down about 20 inches. The subsoil moisture is critical. What about installing a PVC pipe to attach to a hose?
james says
Susan, most roots are in the top 18 inches so no need for moisture to be injected lower than that. Best watering is just a long and slow soaking from the surface, a soaker hose would be ideal.
Virginie says
Thank you for this critical information. The trees are so beautiful and harbour so much life! I also left some water for the animals, but I haven’t seen many birds come to drink and no squirrel. I am worried. Have they migrated where it is less dry? How about the humming birds? I am not used to them since I am new to this part of the world, but I want to help them. Is it the season to provide food for them?
I put some pebbles in bird bath so bees can also drink.
DeAnna says
Keep fresh water out, they will find it and they definitely need it. Hummingbird migration is September and they will need food also. Oranges cut in half on fence spikes will also feed nature
Ana says
Thank you for all info. I had a beautiful Bottle brush tree, It froze 2 yrs ago with freeze. I did not dug it out I did cut it short, its grown not about 5 ft. all bushy. will it ever bloom again. Do i leave it bushy.
thank you
james says
Bottlebrush can be trimmed to just one or three trunks, but I prefer mine to have more trunks than that. So if you just let it grow I think that’s good.
Dolfino Wolf says
In 45 years living in Texas I’ve NEVER experienced this : o
The ground is dry no doubt but my neighbors fence ; you can SEE down deep in the ground AND, putting your Fingers in the crack by the fence post you can FEEL AIR MOVING : o
Very freaky….
Jeannie says
I have this going on in my backyard right now. It is freaky.
DeAnna says
CLay soil does separate when extremely dry. A good soaking rain should expand it back again
Marie says
Thanks Deanna. Helpful information. I will try that watering technique. I’m worried about our trees. We have to balance our tree/plant watering with current water restrictions in our neighborhood.
James says
Then Marie, I suggest you stretch your watering to the longest interval, that is a deep watering once a month if we don’t get any substantial rain.
Debra Phillips says
I have a question concerning Poinciana tree. Mine got cut down with the freeze but I saved one pod a friend of mine got it open and now I have five little trees growing in a pot 5 gallon pot. I’m not sure how long I should keep them in the pot before planting them in the ground? What’s the best way to make them grow and develop into a beautiful tree, should I keep trimming the leaves on the top till the bark is heavy and strong enough? And if it’s sitting in my yard so it can have full sun how am I going to keep the root from growing into the yard? I’d like them to be planted around a playground because they have no shade. I thought I would grow them until next year and maybe have some boy scouts plant them for me.
james says
I would suggest planting those trees into the ground in late October or anytime November. Best to let them get some good root growth over the winter time before facing another hot summer.
Bill says
Good information. My Heritage Oak is looking OK but I think I’ll begin watering. I use a Ross root Feed her to water mine moving it from place to place like your diagram. Thanks
james says
Bill, make sure you don’t push the tip of that root feeder down anymore than 6-8 inches. Most of the roots of the oak will be in the top 18 inches.
Wallie says
Thank you so much for this info. I don’t want to lose a single tree.