Garden Center Hours: Mon-Sat 9am - 5:30pm • Sun 10am - 5:30pm

Debbie’s Veggie Garden Pt. 2 – Plant, Mulched, Fertilized!

Always better with help!!
Always better with help!!

Last week, I shared my before & after soil prep of our veggie garden at home. I tried to plant before last Friday’s rain but did not make it. Good thing, as I realized I had a few areas holding too much water.  So after some shoveling to correct the problem, we planted our hearts out Saturday evening and Sunday afternoon.  We planted by transplants, tuscano kale, seabor kale, redbor kale, broccoli, cauliflower, green cabbage, red cabbage, bright lights chard, rubarb chard, tango celery, thyme, dill, and an artichoke for fun.  Then we sowed Botanical Interest seeds of cherry belle radish, purple top white globe turnip, cilantro, kuroda carrots, carnival blend carrots, gourmet blend beets, and red sails lettuce. Before seeding in our root beds, I mixed Bio-tone and Rocket Fuel in the soil. Both of these are very beneficial in root development. As we planted transplants, we added just Bio-tone into the hole, mixed it with the soil, and then planted.  This is because we foliar feed with Hasta Gro which helps with both root and plant development. Our last step was a few bales of pine straw to help with water, weeds and looks. Now we say a blessing and a prayer that our garden will be bountiful with plenty to share!     


Reader Interactions


  1. Mary Beth says

    I’ve never found any pine straw mulch in the RGV and have always used hay (weed seeds and all) It’s nice to know I can get some in Corpus!

  2. Deborah Shaw says

    Is there a way to get Part one of Debbie’s garden as I didn’t get a newsletter about it for last week or whenever it was printed. My daughter and I want to get information on how to get compost started and we also have a spot to start a garden, but, we don’t know how to get that going either. Thank you

    • james says

      Deborah Shaw, you should be able to find her first installment here on our website. Anyone at either of our stores can help you with info on starting a compost pile and siting your garden, but especially if you ask Matt at our Airline store, you will have to shut him up after an hour or two.

    • james says

      Sally just told me, you just need to click on Blog (at the right end of the header on our home page) to see all Blog installments.

      • james gill says

        Jack, we are not talking about hay, it has too many weed seeds to be a desirable mulch. Pine straw is harvested off pine tree plantations in East Texas. The shade under the pine trees keeps weeds and weed seeds to a bare minimum.

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