Garden Center Hours: Mon-Sat 9am - 5:30pm • Sun 10am - 5:30pm

Tips For Mowing

Dull Mower Blades Damage Lawns
Take the time now to sharpen mower blades, pruners, hedge shears and loppers.In the next few weeks it will be time to prune and a sharp tool will make for a better trim.  If your mower blades are dull the grass tips will appear shredded and have a threadlike appearance. Dull mowerblades rip and tear the grass blades leaving a brown look across the lawn. Look closely at a blade of grass. The top edge will show split ends. It means the blade is dull resulting in harm to grass. A sharp cut will leave the lawn looking healthy and green. Do not mow your lawn when the leaf blades are wet. The same is true for pruners. If your pruners are dull when you cut your plants, the tissue is shredded and torn which leads to fungal issues and an overall unhealthy appearance. The plant has a harder time leafing out with new growth as well. Take the time now to insure your tools are ready. We carry a Corona Sharpening Tool to sharpen all pruners, hedge shears and loppers.
Continue To Be Water Wise
The weather is still cool and with misty, wet days, plants don’t need additional watering. As days get longer and temperatures increase be careful not to water too much. All established plants will be happy with once every two weeks watering through February. Beginning in March to April as the temperatures warm up even more, once a week is sufficient. Remember to water slow and deep, but not very often to establish a deep healthy root system. Your plants will thank you, and so will your water bill. Of course annual color with smaller roots systems will need to be watered more often, but all established trees, shrubs, and tropicals will appreciate time between watering. Let’s all train our landscapes to be
water wise.

A Breath Of Spring!
With the last few days of sunshine and
warmer temps, we are all getting antsy to get outside. Fresh shipments of plants are arriving weekly to our stores so here’s a list of some here and some to come in soon.
  • Live oaks, cedar elms, Italian cypress, burr oaks, wild olives, mountain laurels are here.
  • Hardy shrubs like hawthorns, boxwoods, pittosporum, Japanese yew here now
  • Baskets and tubs of geraniums, double impatiens, Mona lavender, and stocks arrived this week with color.
  • Favorite perennials like lantana, Mexican heather, and salvias are here now with more coming!
  • Basil, cilantro, mint, thyme, chives, parsley here now with more varieties early February
  • More tomato plants and seed potatoes are here now
  • Peppers will be later in February as the cold night temps will stunt the plant to not produce peppers.
  • Fresh Floratam St. Augustine grass coming this week to Airline store.

Reader Interactions


    • james says

      Janet, I have not heard of donkey ear begonia, and a search did not show any results. There is a donkey ear kalanchoe, but we do not have that. I do recommend the “Fascination” kalanchoe, pretty foliage and fabulous bloom-stalk.

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