Garden Center Hours: Mon-Sat 9am - 5:30pm • Sun 10am - 5:30pm

Kids’ Wildflower Seed Ball Project This Saturday!

texas wildflowers

Bring the kids this Saturday, October 8th at 10am to make some wildflower seed balls! It’s time to plant wildflowers and seed balls are such a fun and easy way to do it. We’ll have stations set up with all the supplies, including native wildflower seeds, for kids to make their own seed balls. Here’s a preview – see you Saturday!

What are Seed Balls?

We recently saw the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center’s recipe for wildflower seed balls and thought this would be a wonderful project for kids here at Gill’s! Seed balls are simply balls formed with our native clay soil + compost, some sand, a little water, and Texas native wildflower seeds. We’ll be using the recommended ‘Lady Bird’s Legacy Wildflower Mix’ and ‘Texas Bluebonnets’ from Native American Seed.

Rather than just scattering the wildflower seeds, the seed balls help to protect them from the elements. All you do is place them on the ground in a spot where they have contact with dirt. No digging required. They’ll break down and ‘plant’ themselves this Fall, then you’ll get to see them bloom next Spring!

We’ll have stations set up with all the supplies for kids to get their hands dirty and make their own batch of seed balls to take home and plant. We’ll be on hand to help out too. Going to be lots of fun – see you Saturday!

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