Garden Center Hours: Mon-Sat 9am - 5:30pm • Sun 10am - 5:30pm

Mosquito Battle 2021


With all the recent rains, mosquitos have invaded – bigtime! Spend more time enjoying the outdoors and less time swatting with these solutions. 

Get Rid of (or treat) Standing Water

First of all, remove any sources of standing water (that’s where mosquitos breed). Dump out any pots or buckets that are holding water, and clear areas along the side of the house/garage to allow water to flow out of your yard. 

Remember that it’s also important to have a source of water for birds and other wildlife. So, for birdbaths and fountains, use Mosquito Bits, and for larger ponds or ditches, use Mosquito Dunks. Both are organic and safe for pets and other creatures. 

Pro tip:  collect rainwater in empty coolers. Let them fill up, close the lid, no mosquitos!  

Treat Your Yard

Mosquito Beater or Summit Mosquito and Gnat Barrier hose-end (Permethrin) are easy sprays to kill mosquitoes, ants, fleas & ticks throughout the yard. It is safe to spray on all plants where mosquitoes hide. Cedar Repel hose-end is a totally organic cedar oil yard spray that works great to repel mosquitos.

Keep ‘em Away

Mosquito Beater Granules are a combination of natural essential oils to repel. They contain citronella oil, garlic, geranium oil, cedar oil, and lemon grass oil. Covers 4000 sq. ft and lasts up to 3 weeks. Cedarcide granules are great too – they’re just cedar granules that you spread around your lawn. Works well and smells nice too.  

The Patio Egg Diffuser protects up to 200 sq. ft. and comes with enough refill oil to last up to 4 months. Great for a porch or balcony area. The Patio Egg Diffuser protects up to 200 sq. ft. and comes with enough refill oil to last up to 4 months. Great for a porch or balcony area. We are keeping a few sticks of Skeeter Screen incense burning here at Gill’s this week with good results. One stick lasts about 8hrs!  

A combination of all these safe solutions + the right plants = a lot less buzzing and biting. 

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