Garden Center Hours: Mon-Sat 9am - 5:30pm • Sun 10am - 5:30pm

Neighborhood Parks, Seattle & Corpus Christi


I made a quick trip up to Seattle this past week-end to visit my son. After the dinner, breakfast and lunch food orgy (OMG Seattle food is amazing), we decided to get out and walk the neighborhood. One block from Stuart’s home is a beautiful park, full of paths, trees and play equipment and loads of kids, parents & dogs having a good time, playing outdoors in nature. Navaea, Morgan & Christian, cousins who live in the neighborhood, gladly squatted down for a quick photo, before they continued on with their hide and seek adventure. Thanks to Starbucks & other sponsors, families in this neighborhood have a great place to run and play. Another great example of a park in action is here in Corpus Christi, Pope

Park. The homeowners of that neighborhood partnered with the city and most evenings Pope Park is full of people, enjoying the outdoors. Way to go!!!


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