I think we all enjoy bird watching and even more this time of year with the variety of birds coming through. Just this week we’ve started to see Indigo and Painted Buntings, Scarlett Tanagers, and Warblers.
James had a very odd thing happen this past weekend. He was out surfing at Packery Channel and a Warbler dropped down and landed on his surfboard! James could tell the bird was very tired. James thinks he had been migrating over the Gulf of Mexico and probably happy to pause for a moment on the board. It was another reminder of how hungry and tired the migrating birds are.
We carry a select few bird feeders and bird seed products, including Wild Delights songbird food. What Gill’s has an abundance of is plants that support our bird population. Native plants provide nutrition in berries, good cover, and nesting material for the birds.
Here are a few of our favorites for attracting birds:

We love the beauty of these plants and are especially thankful for their value to our birds!

-Sally Gill
P.S. Along with the right plants, good to have a water source for the birds. It could be a birdbath, a clay saucer set on a brick or stone or even a fountain with moving water! ☺
Margaret Dunnam says
Yes we inadvertently had old pot saucers on our deck and stone columns, and now always keep full with water- all the Birds LOVE it. We’ve had this past week painted bunting, hummers, doves, even a Heron and a Whistling Duck have passed thru the yard!
Debbie Dubois says
Just returned home from Gills! Loquat is in the ground! Thanks for the suggestion Sally! Also picked up a feeder and seeds! Our birds will be happy!