Plumeria, Frangipanis, Hawaiian Lei Flower, no matter what you call them they are beautiful and one of the easiest plants to grow in South Texas!
Native to Central America, Mexico, South America, and the Caribbean, Plumeria have now naturalized throughout most tropical areas around the world. It was on my 1st trip to the Florida Keys that I realized just how beautiful and huge plumeria can get. The one at our cabana was over 25 ft tall and raining fragrant flowers over our patio. Talk about impressive! Closer to home you can find a plethora of specimens at the South Texas Botanical Gardens. Plumeria come in a variety of colors and fragrances from subtle to intoxicating.
Caring for these tropical plants is so easy. Plant in a pot or in the ground, with full to part sun…they really like dry conditions so not too much water. Feed them with Nelson Plumeria Food during the growing season. You can leave them outside in the ground or pot during our mild winters. Keep them dry while they are dormant. If it’s going to freeze…pull them up…yes that’s right…pull them up and store them in a cool dry place over the winter…no light, water, soil, just the stalks.
Come next spring, plant them back outside and repeat…You can’t get any easier than that!
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