Yes, it is time to begin preparing the vegetable gardens for your tomatoes and peppers!
Work in Cotton Burr compost or Natures Blend to enrich your garden for the new season. A good dose of Espoma Bio Tone containing mycorrhizae worked into the soil before planting will help to develop a strong deep root system for healthier plants this Fall season. After 2 weeks of having your vegetables planted, work Worm Castings into the soil to help guard against whitefly, aphids and spider mites. After 2 more weeks, you can begin fertilizing monthly with Espoma Plant tone.
Timing is a key to your garden success. It’s the time to plant tomatoes, peppers, squash and many other warm season crops. Watermelon, Cantaloupe and Pumpkins need to planted now if you have the space. They need a lot of room to spread. Stop by and pick up a Nueces County planting guide to help you plan what and when to plant your favorite veggies. Then you can check out the new Botanical Interest Seeds for 2018/ 2019. With a great selection of veggies, herbs, flowers & sprouts; most are certified organic & they’re all non-GMO.
It’s too early to plant Broccoli, Cabbage and Cauliflower since the temperatures are still too hot but it’s right around the corner so plan now. You will also need to wait a little longer before planting seeds of lettuce, carrots, spinach, kale and other leafy greens until we begin to cool down a little in September.
So get planning, get your hands in the dirt, and grow your own veggies. Nothing tastes better than homegrown!
View Nueces County Vegetable Planting Schedule
Best Garden Pros says
Loved this article especially point about Ready, Set, Get Your Garden Going!
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james says
One shot doesn’t do it, need to hit with soap every week this time of year, being sure to cover the underside of the leaves. When the cotton is harvested, billions of whiteflies that were on the cotton plants move into the city. One other way to handle is to sew covers like pillowcases out of Grow Web fabric and slide them over the tomato cages and bury the bottoms. This totally excludes whiteflies, as well as tomato hornworms, mites, etc. But best done when the tomato plants are first planted.
Deborah beseda says
How do you get rid of ehite flies sprayed soapy water on tomatos keep coming back