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Got Spring Fever?


Beautiful weather; makes us want to get out and do yard work, right? It’s time to prune your hardy shrubs and groundcovers like  Lantana, Firebush, Esperanza and more. Wait for indian hawthorne to bloom before pruning in March. Also, hold off a few more weeks on the tender tropicals like Hibiscus and Bougainvilleas. Roses should be pruned this week if you have not already pruned them back. Valentine’s Day can be an easy reminder for your rose pruning. Also remember to spray  Bonide’s All Seasons Spray Oil on Irises, Cast Iron, Hollies and Flax lilies to help prevent scale insects this spring. Wait to fertilize the lawn until you are mowing once a week, probably mid March. Fertilizer is taken up with growth and most lawns and plants are still dormant. Do begin watering the lawn and landscape again on average once a week. We have been warming up quickly and yet we’ve had no rainfall to speak of so the ground is dry and ready for water. Water slow and deep, one inch every two weeks. Your lawn and plants will thank you.


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