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Freeze Remedy: Palm Trees [VIDEO]

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Several varieties of palm trees likely suffered damage in the Big Freeze of ‘21. Some may recover, and some may not. Here are some things you can look for and steps you can take right now.

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  1. Vicki Hawthorne says

    We have a huge Norfolk Pine in our back yard…and it IS oozing and shedding badly now. I saw an answer to another question stating probably dead? This is NOT good news as it’s very close to our house. How do we make a true determination of its health? Do we have to call an arborist? If this tree falls on our home it will bad news. Thank you.

    • James Gill says

      Yes call an arborist. I would guess it is doomed, but don’t know that for sure. There is no imminent danger, it would take a few years of decay before the tree would be likely to fall over

  2. Susie Knupp says

    if the heart spike comes out of a Queen Palm, how much ( measurement) copper fungicide do you put in the center to keep it from rotting ? Do you mix it with anything or is it just the copper fungicide?

    • James Gill says

      If the heart is totally frozen, fungicide will not help. If it is only partially frozen at the tip, then fungicide can help suppress the fungus from moving into the remaining healthy tissue. Mix according to directions, and pour in as much as will penetrate. When it starts to run over, then stop.

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