Garden Center Hours: Mon-Sat 9am - 5:30pm • Sun 10am - 5:30pm

TONE Up Your Garden with Our Favorite Organic Plant Food


Plant fertilizers are much like food for us, the healthier the meal, the greater benefits. 

That’s why we love organic Espoma plant foods. We use them in our own gardens and recommend them to customers all the time – they work! Each “Tone” (Plant-Tone, Citrus-Tone, Bio-Tone) product is a complex blend of long-lasting natural ingredients fueled by beneficial microbes. These natural organic granules break down slowly for a steady continuous feeding. They are naturally low in salts, so they won’t burn your plants, and they add organic matter back into the soil to build better soil health. Bottom line… you get a beautiful healthy garden that’s also safer for our environment.

  • Bio-Tone is the premium plant starter to use when putting in any new plants. It promotes root growth for stronger plants as they grow.
  • Plant-Tone is the go-to for an all-purpose food for flowers, veggies, potted plants and landscapes. 
  • Citrus-Tone is superior for all citrus and fruiting trees & shrubs. 
  • Azalea-Tone is specific to plants the need a more acidic soil than we have in the Coastal Bend. Use this on plants like Azaleas, Camellias, Gardenias, & Magnolias. 

We also love and appreciate Espoma’s commitment to the environment. They are a minimal waste manufacturing facility that operates 100% on solar power! They utilize a vast array of renewable and sustainable ingredients. There are never any sludges or fillers and no hazardous or toxic ingredients, making it safe for people, pets, and our planet.


Reader Interactions


  1. Michael Saltarelli says

    I will use Espoma plant tone for my vegetables and herbs, I have 2 strips of garden approx. 50 feet long and 2″ wide. How soon before I plant should I till? How soon before planting should I add my first application of the fertilizer. How much should I use for my first application and follow up ones? FYI I am planting tomatoes, cucumbers, a variety of peppers both sweet and hot, string beans, basil and parsley. I am pretty confused as I have heard many different answers so I am hoping to can clear things up once and all. We do appreciate your comments.


    • James Gill says

      The Planttone rate is 4 lb. per 100 sq.ft. so 8lb. for the two rows. You could till, add fertilizer and plant the same day, or you could till, add fertilizer, and then plant two weeks later. But most vegetables should be planted as soon as possible, we are all a little late because of the freeze. You can topdress and work in very shallow the same amount monthly.

  2. Michael Saltarelli says

    I will use Espoma plant tone for my vegetables and herbs, I have 2 strips of garden approx. 50 feet long and 2″ wide. How soon before I plants should I till? How soon before planting should I add my first application of the fertilizer. FYI I am planting tomatoes, cucumbers , a variety of peppers both sweet and hot, string beans, basil and parsley. I am pretty confused as I have heard many different answers so I am hoping to can clear things up once and all. We do appreciate your comments.


  3. Michael Saltarelli says

    I will use Espoma plant tone for my vegetables and herbs, I have 2 strips of garden approx. 50 feet long and 2″ wide. How soon before I plants should I till and how soon before planting should I add my first application of the fertilizer. I addition how much should I use and do I really need to fertilize around the plants 7-10 days after planting or should I just fertilize every month before my first applications. FYI I am planting tomatoes, cucumbers , a variety of peppers both sweet and hot, string beans, basil and parsley. I am pretty confused as I have heard many different answers so I am hoping to can clear things up once and all. We do appreciate your comments.


  4. Martin Perez says

    Hi I’m looking for some fruit trees apples, navel oranges, peach trees, purple seedless grapes & maybe a avocado tree. Thank you for your help

  5. James Gill says

    Citrus tone apply now through February for first application, again in late April or early May. Azaleas may be rushed through bloom by fertilizing now, better to wait until blooms are fading.

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