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Top 5 Gardening Must-Do’s this November

November 22 top 5

November in South Texas is all about spending time outdoors and gathering with family & friends. Cool weather, crisp evenings, outdoor fires & a beautiful garden… a welcome invitation. Here are our top tips for this month.

Check out our November Garden Guide for more tips and remember that trees, shrubs, and perennials can be planted 12 months out of the year! The only difference is the amount of water they need depending on temperatures and wind!

1. Fill Pots and Spots with Fall Flowers

Here’s our list of Fall/Winter flowers – tons of choices for outdoor color to redo pots & inground plantings. Flowers take a little time to grow and bloom. Plant early this month so they can be WOW for the holidays! Once they’re all planted, give them a good meal of organic Plant Tone or Hasta Gro. To keep them growing and blooming through the Fall and Winter, they’ll need regular feedings about once a month.

2. Plant Trees and Shrubs Now for Better Growth Next Spring

Now is the best time to plant cold-hardy shrubs and trees. They focus energy this Fall and Winter on building a good root system, which allows them to explode with growth next Spring, and prepares them for hot weather next Summer. Other benefits to planting now – easier digging and not as much watering as during warmer seasons. Always fertilize when you plant and follow our watering instructions.

3. Last Chance Lawn Care

Fertilizing lawns this month (before November 15th!) helps develop strong roots for healthy growth next Spring and Summer. We recommend organic Medina Growin’ Green or our Gill Lawn & Garden Fertilizer. Prevent weeds in your lawn by applying Weed Beater Complete or Crabgrass & Weed Preventer.

Read: Fall Lawn Care

4. Feed Your Landscape Too!

Landscape plants, including trees, all tropicals, perennials, and hardy shrubs need food early this month while they are still actively growing. Just like lawns, the idea is to give them a boost before they head into dormancy this Winter. We love organic granular fertilizer Medina Growin’ Green for trees and shrubs, and Rose Glo or Plant Tone for tropicals and blooming perennials.

5. Plant Herbs to Share and Use for the Holidays

Cooking without herbs would be such a waste of thyme! Sage, Rosemary, Cilantro, Parsley, Fennel, Dill, (and Thyme) are just a few herbs that thrive in our Fall & Winter months. Limited space? A sunny spot, container & a few favorite herbs is all you need. We can even pot them up for you. 

Reader Interactions


  1. Johnny French says

    By the strangest coincidence, my friend John Kelley posted on FB earlier this week a bunch of pictures taken of different butterflies nectaring on the flowers of a bush in his yard. The butterflies were readily identifiable, but not the bush. It took a lot of Googling to name that plant finally, only to see its photograph atop your November 2022 newsletter this morning. It’s Duranta erecta.

    • Jesse Jenkins says

      Correct! That’s so cool – thanks for sharing. I bet you’ll start noticing duranta everywhere now! Next time you need a plant ID, you can send us a pic on Facebook, Instagram, or email it to

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