Garden Center Hours: Mon-Sat 9am - 5:30pm • Sun 10am - 5:30pm

Watch: Brown Patch Fungus


Watch this video from James to help you identify & prevent Brown Patch Fungus. With shorter days and cooler, damp nights, your lawn is susceptible to this disease.

Reader Interactions


  1. Jimmy Farrier says

    I have a fungus in my St. Augustine and have taken to the Texas A&M website for advice. Not only does it recommend the F-Stop but also others as well. Since I live in Aransas Pass, I looked for what was available here in town. The only one I could find was Scotts Lawn Fungus Control (contains thiophanate-methyl) and I am not sure if this works in our sandy soil? Please advise because if I have to, I will drive over there to your store and get the F-Stop.

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