These three insect groups are or will be the source of many gardeners’ angst this Spring. All three can do serious damage to food gardens from chowing on leaves to boring holes to piercing tomatoes… but don’t worry! One organic solution takes care of all.
Flea beetles are tiny – about ¼” or smaller. They leave their signature pin size chew holes in newly planted herbs & veggies. They’re also fond of flower buds just before they open.

Squash borers are the larvae of the squash borer moth. They lay their eggs at the base of the squash stem where the larvae bores into the plant. This causes the plant to die.

Stink Bugs and Leaf Footed Bugs are famous for the spots they leave on prized tomatoes. They pierce the fruit leaving holes that begin to rot. The immature-nymphs look like red spiders. But not to be confused with the nymphs of the boxelder bugs which are NOT detrimental to gardens. Boxelder bugs are a mild nuisance, but they don’t damage plants.

Your best solution for all three of these pests is Natural Guard Spinosad Soap. This organic spray controls all of these plus other garden pests very effectively. Plan to spray late in the day or early evening when bees are not foraging. It is safe for bees once the spray dries. Follow the instructions and these bad bugs will leave your food plants alone.

Karen Bridges says
How does Neem oil work on those menacing three ?
james gill says
Neem oil is somewhat effective, but not as much as Spinosad. Neem has some repellent property if used frequently, may prevent egg laying, or kill very young life stages of pests.
Sue Martin says
We have these by the hundreds and now I know what they are and what to do. Thanks bunches.
Jesse says
Glad we could help! Yes, we carry Spinosad soap in a hose-end applicator and the pre-mixed bottle.
Sue Hunter says
SDo you have this product in a non mixed bottle.?
james gill says
We do have insecticidal soap, and Spinosad, as separate products, but as concentrate, not RTU.
Gerald kizerian says
I use the soap. Will it protect from those small black flies?
james gill says
Insecticidal soap does a good job on aphids, whiteflies, and fungus gnats (this may be your small black fly) when applied on a regular basis. Be careful not to apply during the hottest time of day or you will get foliage burn.
Cindy Farmer says
As a VERY AMATEUR gardener, I am SOOO very grateful for this information!!! I will be treating myself to an outing (first time since March 12th!) to Gill’s for some MUCH NEEDED garden therapy!!!! Many Thanks, Cindy Farmer
james gill says
Thanks Cindy. I am pleased that so many people are experiencing gardening for the first time this year, it is a healthy hobby that I hope sticks with them. Please call on us as you have questions. And remember to celebrate your gardening successes, and learn from your failures and then let them go!