Garden Center Hours: Mon-Sat 9am - 5:30pm • Sun 10am - 5:30pm

Who Knew – Another South Texas Treasure at our Backdoor!

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Our son Trevor flew in this week from the Northwest for a week of family time. One of his favorite pastimes in Portland, Oregon is disc golf. Who knew, Ingleside, Texas has two good disc golf courses at Live Oak Park

Early Sunday morning James, Trevor, our dog Callie, and I loaded up to spend the morning watching Trevor play the very challenging 18 holes. 

Wow – what beauty! Winding trails, old windswept Oaks, Yaupon Holly bursting with berries, blooming grasses, American Beauty Berry loaded with purple berries, Redbays and Palmettos blanket the park. It was a sight to see for us and is a very important food source for our local & migrating birds and other wildlife that live in the area. 

We have so many natural treasures around us – the Welder Wildlife Refuge, Goose Island State Park, Botanical Gardens of South Texas, Oso Bay Wetland Preserve, Mustang Island, National Seashore, and Live Oak Park! And no better time to visit than now, with crisp Fall air and cool temperatures! Happy Thanksgiving!     

Sally Gill

Reader Interactions


  1. Sally Gill says

    Wow Audrey – thanks so much for your kind words. We do try hard to share what we’ve learned – especially from the mistakes we’ve made – so you don’t make the same ones! 🙂 We love questions – we don’t know all the answers but if we don’t know, we have lots of resources. Thank you again and glad to hear you’re liking what we do! Sally

  2. Audrey Hendrix says

    I just wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude to all of you at Gill Nursery for the wonderful service that you provide to all of us that love gardening. I am new to Gill but I am very impressed. God bless you all.

  3. cory says

    Just an fyi. The city is proposing to build one at oso park behind bill Witt park. It has passed the neighborhood and is moving to the city. This would be an 18 hold championship level course. This would also be a great way to walk through the park on regularly mowed paths to soak in all that nature has to offer.

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