Garden Center Hours: Mon-Sat 9am - 5:30pm • Sun 10am - 5:30pm

A Little Gem & Generous Gift!

Screen Shot 2018-07-05 at 4.16.30 PM

We were walking with our family in West Seattle on Harbor Avenue, looking across Puget Sound to downtown Seattle. The esplanade opposite the water was lined with multi-level, concrete condominiums, I’m sure stacked as high as ordinances would allow. And then we came upon this little gem in the middle of all that concrete! What a treasure!

A small wood shingle residence was planted densely with amazingly beautiful blooming plants, including on the roof. They had water reservoirs out for the birds, dogs and even a water fountain for passers-by. The home owner received the Certified Wildlife Habitat designation  from the National Wildlife Federation for providing four basic habitat elements needed for wildlife to thrive: food, water, cover & places to raise young. What a gift for their community, guests to their community AND all the birds and critters in the area!


-Sally & James

Reader Interactions


  1. Randy & Kim says

    Y’all have fun and enjoy some well deserved time together in the Pacific NW. Great pictures!!

  2. Ginger says

    So happy that you were able to spend time in Seattle. I love it there in the summer. The cottage looks like a fairyland. Reminds me of Ireland.

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