We’ve been out traveling this January and February, looking for the best plants to bring to Gill’s this Spring. There’s lots to be excited about!
Debbie, Kelsie, and Jesse attended the Tropical Plants International Expo in Tampa, Florida. They came back with new sources for blooming outdoor tropical plants, new varieties of houseplants, and rare and unusual plants. Kelsie even brought a variegated Philodendron “Jose Buono” back with her on the plane – somehow NOT against TSA rules!

James and I have been driving around Texas, finding pretty plants AND reminding our vendors how important it is that we get the best of the crop. We always bring them cookies – that makes them smile! We were excited to see our Texas growers recovering nicely from last year’s freeze with beautiful and plentiful crops of perennials and shrubs.

An interesting fact about Gill’s…
If a grower shows up with plants we don’t like, we send them back. They have learned over the years to only send us #1 grade!! ☺

-Sally Gill
Carolyn Allison says
Butterfly weed and butterfly bushes
Small tuti fruiti (hot pink), pretty blues (any size), yellow butterfly weed, more, more , more please.
Jesse says
Hi Carolyn – that’s a butterfly feast! We have butterfly weed and butterfly bush in stock now. We’ll be sure to post in the Garden News and on social media as more varieties arrive.
Melodie Lloyd says
Thank you for these efforts!
Aracely says
Please bring in more native (zizotes) milkweed when you can! I know they’re hard to find sometimes!
Jesse says
Hi Aracely – we’ll keep an eye out!