Don’t Trim These Plants Until After They Bloom:
Indian Hawthorn, Mountain Laurel, Carolina Jessamine, Azaleas, and Spirea all bloom in early spring and should be trimmed after they bloom in February and March.
Time To Feed Citrus
Newly planted or young citrus trees need to be fed ¼ pound of Fertilome Fruit, Citrus, & Pecan Food after they begin growing in the early spring. Repeat feeding every six weeks till June 1. The second year, feed on the same schedule, giving one pound per application. Give established or mature citrus trees one pound of Fruit, Citrus & Pecan Food per inch of trunk diameter. Apply it all in January, or split it between January and May applications. We recommend Espoma Citrus-tone for organic gardening. It is long lasting and it feeds the soil and the tree! Citrus-tone recommends to feed Jan-Feb. as a pre-bloom application to enhance flowering and May-June as a post-bloom application to encourage better fruit set. Apply at the rate of 2 cups per foot of height.
Time To Plant Seed Potatoes
Seed potatoes are not seeds at all, but are actually potatoes that have not been treated and have eyes. They are easy to grow. Cut each potato into 2 ounce pieces with one to two eyes per piece. Treat each cut piece with dusting sulphur and wait several days to allow the cut area to heal. Plant pieces about four inches deep, (cut side down), 10-12 inches apart in rows 2-3 feet apart. As plants grow, pull soil up over and around, and cover with mulch. Continue to mound soil as the plants grow. Harvest young new potatoes by gently probing with fingers beside plant as plants reach full flower. When tops begin to turn brown, dig mature potatoes. Plants can take up to 90 days to mature.
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