What To Plant
Vegetable Seeds
Beans, beets, broccoli, carrots, collards, dill, lettuce, mustard, parsley, Swiss chard and turnips Herbs, onions, & seed potatoes
Garden Guide: Updated - Vegetable Planting Dates
Vegetable Transplants
Tomatoes any time this month, peppers, squash and watermelon at the end of the month. Protect these from late freezes. We carry frost blankets!
Read: Growing Fresh Food, Pro Planting Tip: Not Too Deep
Read: Organic Gardening
Flower Transplants
Petunias, alyssum, dianthus, snapdragons, dusty miller, begonias, gerbera daisy, geraniums, impatiens, marigolds, phlox and bluebonnets
Garden Guide: Spring/Summer Annual Planting Guide
All hardy trees, shrubs, vines, fruit trees, fruiting vines, citrus (protect from freeze) and roses.
Garden Guide: Planting Trees, Shrubs & Groundcover
Don't Prune:
Early spring bloomers such as azaleas, Carolina jessamine, Indian hawthorn, Mountain laurel or Redbud. Prune these after they bloom.
Do Prune:
Fruit trees – peaches, apples, plum, pear lightly to shape (do not prune citrus)
Hardy dormant trees – oak, mesquite, cedar elm, and crape myrtle – Do not top trees!
Perennials that have finished their bloom.
Pick spent flowers from annuals to prolong their bloom season.
Pruning Roses – do it now!
Prune established garden roses early to mid-February. Remove dead or small twiggy growth, leaving strong healthy canes to a plant height of about 18”. Try to prune back to an outward facing bud to maintain spreading, open growth. Don’t prune climbers until after the heavy spring bloom, then removing only the oldest canes and cutting back healthy, vigorous canes no more than 1/3. Cut the flowers throughout the year. This will encourage new buds to form to cut and enjoy again.
Give your indoor plants an inspection for insects. Most common are mealybugs, spider mites (not a spider), and scale.
- White cottony stuff on the backs and crevices of the foliage: mealy bugs.
- Spotted leaves with a sandpaper feel & tiny red specs: spider mites.
- Black mold on foliage with waxy bumps on leaves: scale
All of these can be controlled naturally with Neem Oil or Spinosad Soap. It’s a good idea to spray/treat your plants outdoors then bring them back in once they’re dry.
Fertilize your indoor plants with organic Hasta Gro liquid and add nutrients with Worm Castings.
Give plants a gentle wash either outdoors or in the tub or sink to remove dust
Repot anytime with good potting mix.
Invest in a moisture meter to help with watering decisions.
Annuals & Perennials
Fertilize organically with Medina Growin Green, Hasta Gro, Maestro Rose Glo, or Plant Tone.
Established Roses
Fertilize organically with Maestro Rose Glo or Plant Tone.
Established Citrus Trees
(3 years or older) Fertilize organically with Citrus Tone, Medina Growin Green, Hasta Gro, or Plant Tone, or conventionally with ammonium sulfate 21-0-0 available in 4 to 20 Lb. bags.
Cool Weather Vegetables
Fertilize organically with Medina Growin Green, Hasta Gro, Maestro Rose Glo, or Plant Tone, or conventionally with ammonium sulfate.
All granular fertilizer should be watered in well.
Do not fertilize tropicals - they need to rest.
Only as needed – but dry cold fronts, high winds, and low humidity can dry plants quickly. Established lawns only need water every couple of weeks, provided we don’t get rain.
Garden Guide: Good Water Practice for Established Trees, Shrubs & Lawns
Watch Out For
Lawn Fungus
This can be a major problem after long periods of wet, cool weather. There are 2 major lawn fungus – Take All Patch and Brown Patch.
Watch: How to Collect a Grass Sample
Read: Protect Your Lawn – Recent Take-All Root Rot Sightings
To Treat: Treat Take All Patch organically with Nature’s Blend Compost or Peat Moss, conventionally with Scotts Disease EX Lawn Fungicide or Fertilome Systemic Lawn Fungicide.
Treat Brown Patch Fungus with Fertilome Systemic Lawn Fungicide, or Fertilome F-Stop Granules.
Watch: Brown Patch Fungus
Scale Insects
Found on hardy trees and shrubs.
To Treat: Spray with Neem Oil Spray or All Season Oil
Leaf Chewing Worms & Insects
To Treat: Thuricide, Spinosad or Dipel Dust
When or if temperatures dip below freezing:
Move tropical potted plants inside or group them together in a protected area so they may be easily covered.
Mulch and water newly planted trees and shrubs well; water tropicals and potted plants.
Cover tropicals and tender plants with sheets, blankets or plastic. (Note plastic can burn the outer foliage it is touching)
Bring fabric all the way to the ground allowing heat from the soil to be trapped around the plant.
Uncover all plants as temperatures rise to prevent the foliage from scorching.
We carry frost blankets!
Lawn Care
You can still apply pre-emergent weed control to your lawn to prevent more weeds from sprouting. We recommend Hi Yield Weed & Grass Stopper with Dimension
You can overseed your lawn now with winter rye grass seed (or fill bare spots with this seed) at the rate of 1 lb. per 100 sq. ft. We have it in 5 to 10 lb. bags. Just remember you cannot use a pre-emergent when planting seed.
Fertilize your lawn when it begins actively growing. This is usually late February to mid March. We recommend organic Medina Growin Green. All fertilizers require water to work, so plan on watering after you apply.
Eliminate broadleaf weeds with Image, Ortho Weed-B-Gon for Southern Lawns.
Control growing weeds naturally with Horticultural Vinegar or Captain Jack's Deadweed Brew treating only the weeds. It will burn all plant foliage.
Lay new sod anytime.
David P. says
What is a fast-growing tree for this area?
We lost one of our Japanese Yews … both are approx. 10 ft. tall. The plant turned dark brown all of a sudden and died within 2 months. Should we destroy the remaining, living yew or keep the living yew and plant something else where the dead yew was? I’m sure our chances of finding a yew the same size as the remaining yew would be one in a million.
Jesse Jenkins says
Hi David – we can source Japanese Yews that are about 6-7′ tall. If the remaining one is still nice and healthy, you might consider keeping it and planting another. They won’t be the same size right away, but the new one will catch up.