Seeds of beans, cabbage, peas, winter squash, and turnips. Start in pots and then transplant to garden. Protect from intense heat and sun.
Pumpkin Seeds
If you want pumpkins by Halloween, plant your seeds by August 10th.
Bluebonnet Seeds
Sow bluebonnet seeds now for spring bloom.
All tropicals including allamandas, mandevillas, palms, pentas, blue daze, hamelia, hibiscus, esperanza, and plumbago will continue growing and blooming.
Summer Annuals
Annuals such as zinnias, moss rose, gomphrena, purslane, periwinkles, caladium and coleus will continue to flourish.
“House” Plants
Don’t forget that “house plants” are generally tropical in nature and love a nice shady or semi shady patio to put on the best show. Ficus, schefflera, corn plants, dracaenas, ivies, ponytail palms, and bromeliads all like heat and humidity.
Fertilize organically with Milorganite, Medina Growin Green, or Plant Tone.
Annuals and perennials
Fertilize organically with Medina Growin Green, or Hasta Gro, or conventionally with Osmocote Time Release Granules.
All hibiscus and tropical bloomers
Fertilize organically with Maestro Gro-Rose Glo, or conventionally with Hibiscus Food.
All granular fertilizer should be watered in well
Lawn Care
Organic fertilizers such as Milorganite, and Medina Growin Green are excellent fertilizers that feed plants and soil and are the best choice during hot, dry periods.
Lay new sod anytime, and Bermuda seed anytime this month.
Apply organic Nature’s Blend, or conventional Hi Yield Iron Plus to yellow spots in lawn.
Mow as required. Keep St. Augustine cut to about 3”, Bermuda at 1” – 2”.
Steve Keevan says
Have you received tomato plants? When do you anticipate onion sets to arrive? Thank you
Jesse Jenkins says
Hi Steve – yes, the first tomatoes of the season are here! Onions sets will arrive later this fall around mi-late October.