Garden Center Hours: Mon-Sat 9am - 5:30pm • Sun 10am - 5:30pm

Garden Talk This Saturday – Maximizing Your Veggie Harvest with DeAnna and Wyatt

Fruit Tomatoes Ripe Growing Green House Red

Join us this Saturday, September 17th at 10:00am for our first Fall ’22 garden talk! DeAnna Baumgartner and Wyatt Page, our garden center managers and expert veggie gardeners will share their tips for maximizing your Fall and Winter veggie harvest. Here’s a preview – see you Saturday!

Soil, Sunlight, and Spacing are Key

Soil nutrients and micro-organisms are critical for healthy veggie plants. That means compost! Prep your beds by working in about 1 bag of Nature’s Blend (our favorite compost) per 12 sq. ft. of space, or a similar amount if you’re using your own compost. Be sure your spot for fruiting veggies, like tomatoes and peppers, gets a good 6 hours of direct sun per day. Leafy veggies can grow in a little more shade. And be sure to give plants proper room to grow. For example, tomatoes should be planted at least 3 feet apart. Proper spacing gives you a better harvest and helps you control any insects or disease issues. 

Know Your ‘Days to Maturity’

Warm season veggies like tomatoes and peppers need 60-90 days to mature and produce. That means around mid-September is our last chance to get them planted so they have time to produce before temps get too cool. The second half of September is time to start cool-season veggies like broccoli and cauliflower which need 55-85 days to mature, and Brussels which need 80-120 days. When you get the timing right, you’ll be continuously harvesting!

Feed Your Veggies and They’ll Feed You!

Regular fertilizing is essential for a good harvest. Veggies are heavy feeders. Our tried-and-true method is to feed with a good organic granular (like Plant Tone) once a month, then follow up with Liquid Hasta Gro in between. Set your calendar for the 1st (granular) and the 15th of the month (liquid) to make this easy. 

Recruit Some Help from Pollinators

It’s a great idea to plant flowers like Marigolds or Nasturtiums and blooming herbs like Thai Basil in and around your veggie garden to attract bees. In order to produce, veggies need to be pollinated! You could get involved and use a Q-tip or small paintbrush to move pollen from male to female flowers, or just let the bees do their thing.

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