As a young girl, I loved going out into the garden and cutting Zinnia flowers. They were such prolific bloomers and in so many different colors – reds, salmons, roses, oranges, yellows, purples, and white. They always cheered me up!

Starting tomorrow (May 15) we’re giving away a packet of Zinnia seeds, California Giants (with blooms 4”-5” wide) upon request with purchase (we have 100 packages of seeds to give away). Along with the seeds, we’ll give you a lesson sheet on how to successfully grow Zinnias. What a cool Summer garden project for you and your kids! You’ll find they are easy to grow and bloom all Summer long. What fun!!
Once plants are growing and you’re harvesting flowers, PLEASE take photos and tag us on Instagram and Facebook or email them to us at We’ll repost and share for all to see and enjoy!

– Sally Gill