Garden Center Hours: Mon-Sat 9am - 5:30pm • Sun 10am - 5:30pm

August Garden Guide


Prepare Your Garden Spaces for Fall Planting

  1. Clean areas of unwanted weeds and debris.
  2. Break up the soil and add organic matter like Cotton Burr Compost, and turn or till it in.
  3. Mix in dried molasses and organic fertilizer like Medina Growin’ Green.
  4. Water and let it rest until you are ready to plant.
  5. Keep it watered to encourage beneficial microbes in the soil.


Read: Organic Gardening

Read: Comfort for Summer: Shade Cloth

Watch: A Great Trick to Green Up Your Lawn & Garden!

Read: Fall’s Around the Corner – it’s Garden Time!

Watch: How to Collect a Grass Sample 

What To Plant

Late Summer Vegetable Transplants

Plant tomato, eggplant, and pepper transplants after August 10th. Be sure to keep watered well and evenly shaded from the hot afternoon sun.

Read: Homegrown Tastes Best
Garden Guide: Fall Tomatoes


Fall Vegetable Seeds

Seeds of beans, cabbage, peas, winter squash, and turnips. Start in pots and then transplant to garden. Protect from intense heat and sun.

Pumpkin Seeds

If you want pumpkins by Halloween, plant your seeds by August 10th.



Bluebonnet Seeds

Sow bluebonnet seeds now for spring bloom.



All tropicals including allamandas, mandevillas, palms, pentas, blue daze, hamelia, hibiscus, esperanza, and plumbago will continue growing and blooming.

Summer Annuals

Annuals such as zinnias, moss rose, gomphrena, purslane, periwinkles, caladium and coleus will continue to flourish.

“House” Plants

Don’t forget that “house plants” are generally tropical in nature and love a nice shady or semi shady patio to put on the best show. Ficus, schefflera, corn plants, dracaenas, ivies, ponytail palms, and bromeliads all like heat and humidity.

Read: Plants, the Perfect Rx for Clean Air


All container grown trees, shrubs, and vines.

Garden Guide: Planting Trees, Shrubs, and Groundcovers
Read: Crape Myrtle Season


  • Continue removing faded flowers from annuals and perennials to encourage new blooms.
  • Faded blooms and seed pods from crape myrtle to promote additional blooming
  • Dead wood from trees and shrubs
  • Trim plants as needed to maintain size and shape.
  • Palms as needed
  • Poinsettias early in month – last pruning for December color


  • Check all newly planted material for water every day.
  • Check pots, containers and hanging baskets often, as they dry out quickly and need more water.
  • Apply mulch as needed to help conserve moisture.
  • Make arrangements for someone to water if leaving for more than 2 days, especially with new plants.
  • Follow City Water Restriction Guidelines.


All trees and shrubs

Fertilize organically with MilorganiteMedina Growin Green, or Plant Tone. 


Annuals and perennials

Fertilize organically with Medina Growin Green, or Hasta Gro, or conventionally with Osmocote Time Release Granules.

All hibiscus and tropical bloomers

Fertilize organically with Maestro Gro-Rose Glo, or conventionally with Hibiscus Food.

All granular fertilizer should be watered in well

Lawn Care

  • Organic fertilizers such as Milorganite, and Medina Growin Green are excellent fertilizers that feed plants and soil and are the best choice during hot, dry periods.
  • Lay new sod anytime, and Bermuda seed anytime this month.
  • Apply organic Nature’s Blend, or conventional Hi Yield Iron Plus to yellow spots in lawn.
  • Mow as required. Keep St. Augustine cut to about 3”, Bermuda at 1” – 2”.
  • Watch for Chinch Bugs and Grub Worms.
  • Water well every 7 to 10 days.

Read: Use the Cycle Soak Method
Garden Guide: Lawn Care

Watch Out For

Mealy bugs

Treat organically with Neem Oil, Spinosad Soap, or Bee Safe 3-in-1 or conventionally with Cyonara or Bonide Systemic.

Read: Mealy Bugs are Here!

Chinch bugs in lawns

Treat organically with Spinosad or Diatomaceous Earth, or conventionally with Cyonara.

Spider mites

Treat organically with Neem Oil, Spinosad Soap, or Bee Safe 3-in-1 or conventionally with Cyonara or Bonide Systemic.

Note: Spraying your plants with seaweed extract helps repel spider mites, and it’s good for your plants too!

Fleas and ticks

Treat lawns organically with Spinosad, or Diatomaceous Earth, or conventionally with Cyonara.

Borers in mesquites, ash, and yucca

Treat organically with Spinosad.

Fungus, Powdery Mildew

Treat organically with Fungicide 5, Neem Oil, or Bee Safe 3 in 1, or with Fertilome Broad Spectrum Fungicide, or Systemic Fungicide.

Unwanted caterpillars – remember that many caterpillars turn into the butterflies that we love and enjoy!

If necessary, treat organically with Thuricide or Spinosad.

Read: Darn Those Summer Bugs!

Reader Interactions


  1. Greg Werks says

    I found these fall planting tips really helpful! Clearing weeds, adding compost, and nurturing the soil make a lot of sense. How often should I water during the rest period to promote those beneficial microbes effectively?

    • Jesse says

      Hi Kathy – yes, we can grow lavender in CC, but it doesn’t tend to last more than 1 or 2 seasons. Spanish varieties are best. We’ll have some available Fall and Spring.

  2. Verna says

    I’d like to plant 1 or 2 citrus trees this year. Do you carry dwarf varieties that can be planted in large pots? Do you have any videos or can you recommend any that I can watch to learn how to plant and care for citrus trees in pots? Thanks for any help you can offer!

    • Jesse says

      Hi Verna – we will have some dwarf limes and dwarf lemons available, possibly today. Give us a call later this afternoon to check. Really, most varieties of citrus can be grown in a large container. They don’t necessarily have to be the dwarf varieties. Here is our citrus planting video – most of these tips apply to growing in containers as well:

      For pots – be sure you have a good quality potting mix (soil) and good drainage. Then place the pots in an area where they get at least a 1/2 day of sun. And feed with Citrus Tone when you plant and again in February.

    • Jesse says

      Hi Lorraine – our best seasons for planting citrus are Spring and Fall. We will have a new crop of citrus trees late Aug/Early Sept. including mandarin oranges.

  3. Becky says

    Do you offer Bonide Systemic for sale? I have some plants that are next to impossible to reach the critters with Neem or other contact sprays.

  4. Bookkeepers Whangarei says

    Thank you very much for august garden tips, it’s difficult for me to get such kind of information most of the time always… I really hope I can work on your tips and it works for me too, I am happy to come across your article.

  5. Gerry Wilder says

    A question instead of comment. I have a Curly Leaf Hoya in a hanging basket and it is climbing up a Wild Olive Tree. The flowers look beautiful hanging from the branches but now I have a concern if the Hoya will hurt the Wild Olive?

    • James says

      It could potentially be a problem, but as long as the Hoya is Covering 10% or less of the wild Olive I would not be concerned. If it ever gets to that point, you could just thin out the Hoya selectively so it doesn’t overshadow the wild Olive too much

    • Jesse says

      Hi Linda – we have seen a few available, but after doing more research, they do not appear to have resistance to Phytophthora (the disease that affects Periwinkles). So we will not be stocking them.

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