Garden Center Hours: Mon-Sat 9am - 5:30pm • Sun 10am - 5:30pm

January Garden Guide


Lawn Care

Weed Control

Spot treat existing weeds growing now with natural horticultural vinegar or Captain Jack's Deadweed Brew. Both will burn any foliage so take care to not spray your plants or lawn.

Prevent weeds with Hi Yield Weed & Grass Stopper or Weed Beater Complete

Bare Spots & Brown Lawns

You can overseed your lawn now with winter rye grass seed (or fill bare spots with this seed) at the rate of 1 lb. per 100 sq.ft. We have it in 10 to 50 lb. bags.

Do not think about fertilizing until your lawn begins actively growing. Generally this is around early March.

Note:  You cannot apply both winter rye and pre-emergent weed control in the same lawn. The seed will not sprout.

Read: Why Won't My Weed Killer Work?, Our Secret Ingredient for a Happy Lawn

What To Plant

All containerized, bare rooted, and ball in burlap hardy trees, shrubs, vines, fruit trees (not citrus) and roses.

Use Nature's Blend to prepare the garden soil and frost blankets to protect tender veggies from the cold nights.

Vegetable Seeds

Beets, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, Swiss chard, collards, lettuce, mustard, radish, spinach and turnips.

Start pepper and tomato seeds indoors to transplant into garden later.

Vegetable Transplants

Broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, onion sets, seed potatoes, and spinach.

Tomato transplants can be nurtured in pots now and set in the garden in February.

Flower Seeds

Petunias, alyssum, carnations, larkspur, nasturtium, poppy, dusty miller, stock, calendulas and bluebonnets.

Flower Transplant

Pansies, petunias, alyssum, dianthus, snapdragons, and violas, flowering cabbage & kale.

Read: Flowering Cabbage & Kale - Another Winter Treasure


Give your indoor plants a checkup. Look over the foliage, remove any old or dead leaves to freshen their look and keep them healthy.

Be sure to set your plants in the proper light indoors but watch that the heater and/or AC vents do not blow directly on them. Windows provide good natural light - open blinds and curtains during the day.

Read: Indoor Gardening: EZ as a ZZ!

Water when needed, but plants will not drink as much during Winter months. Remember you can add more water, but hard to take out!

Fertilize houseplants organically with ½ strength Hasta Gro.

If your plants look unhappy, they might need re-potting. Be sure to use a good all-purpose potting mix. 

Read: Plants, the Perfect Rx for Clean Air


Established Citrus Trees

Fertilize organically with Medina Growin Green, Citrus Tone, or Hasta Gro; or with conventional fertilizer ammonium sulfate 21-0-0.

Cool Weather Vegetables

Fertilize organically with Medina Growin Green, Hasta Gro, or Plant Tone; or with conventional fertilizer ammonium sulfate.

Cool Weather Annuals

Fertilize organically with Medina Growin Green, Maestro Rose Glo, or Plant Tone; or a water-soluble fertilizer like Hasta Gro.

Do not fertilize tropicals. They need to rest.

Watch Out For

Scale Insects

Watch for scale insects on hardy trees and shrubs. Spray with Neem Oil or Dormant Oil spray

Read: Organic Gardening 101 - What's Buggin Ya?

Lawn Fungus

This can be a major problem after long periods of wet, cool weather. There are 2 major lawn fungus – Take All Patch and Brown Patch.

  • Treat Take All Patch organically with Natures’ Blend Organic Compost or peat moss; or use conventional Fertilome Systemic Lawn Fungicide or Scotts Disease Ex.

  • Treat Brown Patch organically with horticultural corn meal or Nature’s Blend compost, or conventionally with F-Stop Fungus Granules.

Read: Protect Your Lawn: Recent Take All Root Rot Sightings (TARR)

Watch: How to Collect a Grass Sample


Fruit Trees

Prune peaches, plums, and figs lightly to shape. Do not prune citrus.

Hardy Dormant Trees

Prune oak, mesquite, cedar elm, & crape myrtle. Do not top trees! Prune from the bottom up.


Perennials that have finished their bloom.


Only as needed – but dry cold fronts, high winds and low humidity can dry plants quickly.

Established lawns only need water every couple of weeks, provided we don’t get rain.

Be sure to check your sprinkler system and adjust accordingly.

When or if temperatures dip below freezing:

Move tropical potted plants inside or group them together in a protected area so they may be easily covered.

Mulch and water newly planted trees and shrubs well; water tropicals and potted plants.

Cover tropicals and tender plants with frost blankets (which we sell), sheets, household blankets or plastic (Note plastic can burn the outer foliage it is touching).

Bring fabric all the way to the ground allowing heat from the soil to be trapped around the plant.

Uncover all plants as temperatures rise to prevent the foliage from scorching.

Read: Some tips on preparing for a freeze in last week's "Freeze Alert"

When or if temperatures dip below freezing:

Move tropical potted plants inside or group them together in a protected area so they may be easily covered.

Mulch and water newly planted trees and shrubs well; water tropicals and potted plants.

Cover tropicals and tender plants with frost blankets (which we sell), sheets, household blankets or plastic (Note plastic can burn the outer foliage it is touching).

Bring fabric all the way to the ground allowing heat from the soil to be trapped around the plant.

Uncover all plants as temperatures rise to prevent the foliage from scorching.

Read: Some tips on preparing for a freeze in last week's "Freeze Alert"

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