Pre Spring tips…do now & save time later!
- Apply Pre-emergents Amaze or Hi Yield Weed and Grass Preventor with Dimension to prevent spring weeds.
- Spray All Seasons Oil to kill and prevent scale insects this spring on flax lily, cast iron plant, irises, pittosporums & hollies.
- Treat for lawn fungus as a cure and preventative due to damp weather with F-Stop or Bayer Lawn Fungus Control, organically with Serenade or Natures Blend.
- Prepare veggie gardens for spring plantings. Pull up all old vegetables, and rework the soil with Cotton Burr Compost or Natures Blend.
- Prune indian hawthorns, azaleas, or carolina jasmine since they are an early spring bloomer.
- Prune tropicals, ex. hibiscus, bougainvilleas, lantanas, plumbagos, etc..
- Spray a weed killer (it is too cold to be effective).